Google Sites

Google Sites
Google Sites may be a structured wiki- and net page-creation tool offered by Google.
The goal of Google Sites is for anyone to be able to produce easy websites that support collaboration between totally different editors.
·       History
Google Sites began as JotSpot, the name and sole product of a package company that offered enterprise social software system. It was targeted primarily at small-sized and medium-sized businesses. The company was based by Joe Kraus and Graham Herbert Spencer, co-founders of Excite.
In February 2006, JotSpot was named a part of Business a pair of.0, "Next Net 25",and in May 2006, it was honored as one of InfoWorld's "15 Start-ups to Watch". In October 2006, JotSpot was acquired by Google. Google announced a prolonged data transition of webpages created using Google Page Creator (also known as "Google Pages") to Google Sites servers in 2007. On February twenty eight, 2008, Google Sites was disclosed victimization the JotSpot technology.The service was free, but users needed a domain name, which Google offered for $10. However, as of might twenty one, 2008, Google Sites became out there for free of charge, separately from Google Apps, and without the need for a domain.
In June 2016, Google introduced an entire build of the Google Sites platform, named New Google Sites, along with transition schedule from Classic Google Sites.
·       Services
  • New Google Sites
  • Features
Responsive design of the new themes.
Domain name mapping – homeowners will map their web site to a custom name.
Drag and drop redaction – page components will be dragged-and-dropped, and arranged automatically on a grid layout.
Levels of permissions (Owner, Editor and Viewer).
Support for embedding HTML and JavaScript
Automatic multi-level menus
Integration with Google Drive, Google Maps and more.
·       Limitations
Classic Google Sites third-party gadgets extensions aren't supported any longer
No support for Google Apps Script
Very restricted styling choices, no support for custom CSS
Cannot take away footer ("Made with the new Google Sites, an effortless way to create beautiful sites. [Create a site] Report abuse")
·       Classic Google Sites
·       Features
Domain name mapping – owners can map their site to a custom domain name.
Access permissions
Page templates
File attachments
HTML source editing
·       Extensions
Gadgets – XML modules that may be embedded during a web site and should contain custom CSS and JavaScript. Gadgets achieve two purposes:
Separation or Abstraction – custom code are often abstracted to a definite file
Reuse – a similar appliance are often reused by multiple sites because it is revealed publically
·      Limitations
No open use of Cascading vogue Sheets (CSS) or JavaScript. JavaScript are often used inside the range of associate degree embedded appliance or the markup language box. Inline CSS will be used among the webpage content space.
Limited e-store capabilities, got to use the Google i-store appliance to feature a handcart, iframe a third-party e-store provider such as Amazon, or use a Google Buy Now button.
Limited use of HTML coding. HTML is checked and changed once saved, Javascript is created safe with Caja. CSS can not be incorporated within the theme templates; but, inline CSS can be used within the webpage content area.

Sites that area unit hosted on Google Sites aren't out there to residents of nations wherever Google services ar block

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